Tom Waits - Small Change
    1. Tom Traubert's Blues (Tom Waits) - 6:40
    2. Step Right Up (Tom Waits) - 5:39
    3. Jitterbug Boy (Tom Waits) - 3:41
    4. I Wish I Was in New Orleans (Tom Waits) - 4:50
    5. The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) (Tom Waits) - 3:37
    6. Invitation to the Blues (Tom Waits) - 5:20
    7. Pasties and a G-String (Tom Waits) - 2:32
    8. Bad Liver and a Broken Heart (Tom Waits) - 4:46
    9. The One That Got Away (Tom Waits) - 4:00
    10. Small Change (Got Rained on with His Own .38) (Tom Waits) - 5:03
    11. I Can't Wait to Get off Work (Tom Waits) - 3:20


    Ray Kelley: Cello
    Tom Waits: Guitar, Piano, Vocals
    Shelly Manne: Drums
    Lew Tabackin: Saxophone, Sax (Tenor)
    Murray Adler: Violin
    Israel Baker: Violin
    Harry Bluestone: Violin, Concert Master
    Samuel Boghossian: Viola
    Jesse Ehrlich: Cello
    Allan Harshman: Viola
    Jim Hughart: Bass
    Nathan Kaproff: Violin
    George Kast: Violin
    Marvin Limonick: Violin
    Alfred Lustgarten: Violin
    Edgar Lustgarten: Cello
    Kathleen Lustgarter: Cello
    Nathan Ross: Violin
    Sheldon Sanov: Violin
    Cal Schenkel: Design
    David Schwartz: Viola
    Jerry Yester: Conductor, String Arrangements
    Sam Bohossian: Viola

    Production Credits:

    Terry Dunavan: Mastering
    Bones Howe: Producer, Engineer
    Geoff Howe: Engineer
    Stephen Innocenzi: Mastering
    Joel Brodsky: Photography
    Bruce Weber: Photography
    Bill Broms: Engineer

    Marco Giunco
    Work Basket Music Words