Graham Parker - Another Grey Area
    1. Temporary Beauty (Graham Parker) - 3:52
    2. Another Grey Area (Graham Parker) - 3:00
    3. No More Excuses (Graham Parker) - 4:28
    4. Dark Side of the Bright Lights (Graham Parker) - 3:37
    5. Can't Waste a Minute (Graham Parker) - 3:28
    6. Big Fat Zero (Graham Parker) - 2:44
    7. You Hit the Spot (Graham Parker) - 3:30
    8. It's All Worth Nothing Alone (Graham Parker) - 4:04
    9. Crying for Attention (Graham Parker) - 4:08
    10. Thankless Task (Graham Parker) - 4:12
    11. Fear Not (Graham Parker) - 3:30


    Graham Parker: Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar, Guitar (Electric), Vocals
    Nicky Hopkins: Piano, Keyboards
    Michael Braun: Drums
    David Brown: Guitar (Electric)
    Michael Brown: Drums
    Jim Clouse: Saxophone
    Krystal Davis: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Jack Douglas: Percussion
    Fred Hostetler: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Karen Lawrence: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    George Marino: Mastering
    Hugh McCracken: Guitar, Harmonica, Guitar (Electric)
    Kurt McGettrick: Flute, Saxophone, Sax (Baritone), Wind
    Paul Prestopino: Banjo
    Brinsley Schwarz: Guitar
    George Small: Keyboards, Ondioline
    Doug Stegmeyer: Bass
    Eric Troyer: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Dave Brown: Guitar, Guitar (Electric)

    Production Credits:

    Graham Parker: Producer
    Josh Abbey: Assistant Engineer
    James A. Ball: Assistant Engineer
    Lee DeCarlo: Engineer
    Jack Douglas: Producer, Executive Producer
    Michael Halsband: Photography
    Danny Caccavo: Assistant Engineer
    Dane Lawing: Artwork

    Marco Giunco
    Work Basket Music Words