In The Garden - Bob Dylan
    When they came for him in the garden, did they know?
    When they came for him in the garden, did they know?
    Did they know he was the son of god? did they know that he was the lord?
    Did they hear when he told peter, "Peter put up your sword."
    When they came for him in the garden, did they know?
    When they came for him in the garden, did they know?

    When they heard him speak in the city, did they hear?
    When he spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
    Nicodemus came at night so he wouldn't be seen by men
    Say,"Master tell me why a man must be born again?"
    When he spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
    When he spoke to them in the city, did they hear?

    When the healed the blind an' crippled, did they see?
    When the healed the blind an' crippled, did they see?
    Well, he said;"Pick up your bed and walk, why must you criticize
    Same thing my father do, i can d likewise."
    When the healed the blind an' crippled, did they see?
    When the healed the blind an' crippled, did they see?

    Did they speak out against him, did they dare?
    Did they speak out against him, did they dare?
    The multitude wanted to make him king, put a crown upon his head
    Why did he slip away to a quiet place instead?
    Did they speak out against him, did they dare?
    Did they speak out against him, did they dare?

    When he rose from the dead, did they believe?
    When he rose from the dead, did they believe?
    He said, "All power is given to me in heaven an' on earth"
    Did they know right then an' there, what that power was worth?
    When he rose from the dead, did they believe?
    When he rose from the dead, did they believe?


    Marco Giunco
    Work Basket Music Words